
Belgrade, Serbia

Im way too tired to upload pictures and things right now, and the internetconnection is (as wonderfully always) way too slow anyway.

We are, however, in the capital of Serbia right now.

Yesterday we spent some hours  in beautiful Budapest and then took the overnight train here. What we didnt know was that there is a massive music festival (exit) in Novi Sad right now.. so the train was completely packed with drunk, happy, dancing brits that didnt get their seats as the train was doublebooked..  Luckily, we found two places, and sure, we didnt get to sleep as planned.. but we got to watch a very interesting 7hour show about the decadence of humanity.. haha

So we finally got to Belgrade, exhausted but happy. Found our hostel, and ran out to explore. Hours and hundreds of pictures later we found our way back to our beds. After that we explored some Bgd by night, and now were back.

As I said. There are pictures.. tons of them. Ill promise to share when I find a better computer.

All is good, Caroline is out travelling again! :)


*and right.. Im speaking heaps and heaps of this language, things are great with a private tutor! :p

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