I’m alive, happy, and not as exhausted as yesterday. Delhi is insane. Chaotic. Dirty. Weird.. & wonderfully colourful.
I jumped into a prepaid cab at 3.30 in the morning yesterday and found my way to Anoop Hotel in Paharganj. After arguing with the “we don’t have any cheap room free” -guys in the reception for a while I got to stay in the super-luxury-airconditioned “this room normally costs 900rupees” -room while refusing to pay more than 400rupees. At 6 o’clock in the morning I got a phonecall:
“hello ma’am, yes ma’am, there is better room for you free now, you move better now, cheaper room very good, I send a boy yes okey?”
The reception guy hung up, I was half asleep and four seconds later there was a knock on my door. As I struggle with covering my shoulders and legs with a blanket I let the boy in, he grabs my bags and runs off to a room just across the corridor, which is basically the same, except the luxury-AC.. and I’m very happy about that – I never use AC anyway. And well, 400 rupees is 6,6euros. I’m okay with that for now.
Yesterday I met my friend Shakti from the Expo 2008 Zaragoza in the evening and we had a really nice meal. Except from him, and the few other travellers I’ve bumped in to, every single person I meet says the same thing about the person I last spoke to:
“don’t trust him, he’s a dodgy guy..”
It’s quite funny because they try to create some sort of mutual-trust with their “I’m a nice guy because I warned you about the previous one” technique. However, it still doesn’t make any sense as I already know the next person will say the same – and well, it’s true. They all somehow want to sell something. Seriously. You really get paranoid over here. But I guess it’s part of the charm of this place.. everything is just.. weird and dodgy. In a harmless way. The dodgyness just wants as much of your money as possible, nothing else.
And darlings, if you want to have a talk – skype me. I’ve forwarded the call to my Indian number. The time difference is +3,5h.
Take care out there!