Free WiFi and a bar of fairtrade chocolate with the queen of capitalism is very comfortable right now. I have almost two hours to wait here in the Atatürk airport – which is perfectly fine as I consider airports a perfect place to kill time and look at people. A chinese man in front of me seems to be watching a splatter movie on his Samsung Galaxy S3, there’s quite a lot of female screaming and blood in it.. a lady next to me is reading a magazine while her three young boys are playing on their iPads, each on their own.. I’ve never seen these many iPads before, they are all over the place. Old gentleman in front of me seems to be Spanish and has an iPhone 5. He is speaking to the Chinese guy, who seems too busy with his movie to answer.
Luckily it’s warm – so I’m quite comfortable here in gadgetland.
Almost there, Malmö.