Trinidad & Tobago – When you least expect it..

We landed in Port of Spain in Trinidad, and hopped on the first next plane to the little island of Tobago.. because that’s where the magic happens. Magic being quiet fishing villages, beautiful beaches and diving bliss.

I had no expectations at all about Tobago, I only knew I really wanted to go there for some reason.. probably because I knew so little about it – so how was it.. and what happened? First of all, we rented a car at the airport to get around the island, which we soon realized was the best decision ever as there was a lot to explore, and our other choices would have been very unreliable public transport and expensive taxis.. So we got away from the Western part of the Island, where mainly all-inclusive resorts and “elderly German tourists dancing to calypso” happen, to the Eastern part of the Island – where all those other nice things are. It was very quiet, almost as if it there was nobody there. We got a very nice little place with a seaview in Charlotteville and started exploring the most beautiful of beaches. And then we did some diving from a village nearby called Speyside.. and it was all really great. But there was something missing… Before I continue, I need to share this whole story about turtles that started even before this trip. Luc has a thing about turtles, he likes them. And while I instantly thought about the Zombie kid and “but aren’t they all slow and clumsy and dumb?” he went “you have to see them in the water!” So I completely embraced the idea of seeing a turtle in water, and it sort of became one of the big goals of the trip. But we didn’t see any turtles when snorkeling or diving in Colombia.. and I stopped hoping for it after our second dive in Speyside. Anyway, we decided to dive one last time before leaving the eastern part of Tobago in the end of our trip.. so we did, and it was the most colourful and lovely of my 9 dives so far – and.. there it was! A TURTLE!! And it was huge and beautiful and calm and not afraid at all – and amazing..! And I was so happy that I was smiling so hard my diving mask completely filled up with water. It was the best turtle in the world. The trip had officially reached perfection.. Tobago was awesome.

Venezuela! It’s all about Reggaeton and Guapi.

At some point on the beach in Taganga, while talking about going either east or west, we decided that we probably had enough time to somehow make it all the way to Trinidad and Tobago, passing through Barquisimeto in Venezuela where my old Barcelona roomie Daneff lives. So we did! And Daneff and I instantly reconnected in our talks, and danced to reggaeton, and filled the tank of her car with 40 litres of gasoline for 0,04€. We all went to her apartment on the beach where we cooked and had a proper talk and hangout session, and the next day we went to the beautiful beaches in the Morrocoy National Park and enjoyed the crystal clear water. Daneff also helped us get very cheap flight tickets by paying with Venezuelan currency which has reached an extreme low, so Luc and I passed through the island of Margarita on our way to Trinidad and Tobago, and spent two days there, doing pretty much nothing. “Si no le contestoo!”

Cabo San Juan – Paradise is just a scary boat ride away.

Cabo San Juan is a beautiful beach in the Tayrona National Park.. and it’s a one hour, very bumpy boat ride away from Taganga. When we were in Playa del Amor, we towed an upside-down turned boat that had carried 12 passengers on their way to on of the beaches there.. they lost all of their belongings in the waves and were picked up by our captain while we were diving. So no, the memory of that, plus the big waves and the speed were not the right ingredients for a pleasant boat ride.. it was painful, uncomfortable and quite scary.. but then again – it took us to a palm tree filled paradise. And back.

Diving Safari at the Love Beach

Let me start by saying that I had never dived before this trip. It was first of all never a priority or of big interest to me and I must admit I found it a bit scary. Luc, on the other hand, is very much an avid diver, so I was easily convinced that this was the right moment to learn, and that I couldn’t be more safe and have more fun than with two certified instructors in the water. So we looked for dive centers when we got to Taganga, and found Calipso – the only dive center allowed to dive in the Tayrona Natural Reserve becaue of its Eco engagement and coral restauration programmes. We decided to go for a three day diving safari which included diving for Luc and a NAUI Scuba Diver certification course for me. On the last day we got to dive together, which was great fun. The beach was a quiet little beach called Playa del Amor, at night time there was no other source of light other than the moon, and it was at its fullest when we were there. We slept in hammocks, had three meals per day prepared by a great man called Toto, and practiced diving.

I had been introduced to an entirely new world where one can move in all directions and where time flies by much faster than on the surface. I also spent these three days without a mobile network connection and with my mobile turned off. Survived all of it, very happy and amazed.

Taganga – another wonderful Hippie Hideout

So here we go again, continuing the photo-series from the one month Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad & Tobago trip.

We took a minibus from Cartagena that took us all the way to Taganga, and found ourselves in a genuine hippie hideout. I love those places.. self proclaimed hippies can sometimes be a pain to have deep conversations with as they often turn to lizards, crystals and evil mind reading iPhones – but they are utterly friendly, calm and creative. So we stayed a couple of days, danced on the beach, ate fried fish and made sure I got a tan. We made friends with a couple of people in the little town, amongst them a street artist who calls himself “Papa Frita” and balances things on top of his head. Things don’t have to be much more complicated than that, right?

An Embarrassing Tribute to Richie

So as the Rich-face refuses to answer his phone today, despite it being his birthday – I will take the opportunity to showcast some of our shared memories from back in the days until today. It’s a rather embarrassing moment for me (and possibly for other people as well – haha, sorry!) – but well worth it. Richie is one of my favourite people in the world, and this story goes back all the way to 2004.


Cartagena – proper sun and great meals.

I was very happy when we got to Cartagena – it was warm, colourful, walkable and super sunny! We hopped on a flight in Medellín as domestic flights to the coast were far cheaper than the buses. It was comfortable getting there so fast, and we found a great place to stay in the middle of the old city – so we could just walk around, eat well, and explore.

Speaking of food, Camilo’s friends introduced us to a Peruvian starter called ‘causa‘, which along with various kinds of ceviche became somewhat of a craving and standard choice of ours during the entire trip. It. was. so. good.

Roadtripping the Zona Cafetera mountains

We decided to rent a car to get out of Medellín and visit the mountains where the majority of Colombian coffee is grown. We grabbed a last bite at that great vegetarian place and headed south to La Zona Cafetera to explore the little town of Salento and its surroundings. You’ve seen some of these photos already, but these are in far better resolution. And we prefer that, don’t we? Yay!

Medellín – Camilo, a sad Giraffe, and “The Best View in the World.”

We hopped on a 10 hour bus from Bogotá to Medellín on Friday night, and spent quite a while of Saturday morning looking for a place to stay – Medellín is a party place, thus packed with people on weekends. We met up with my friend Camilo from that sparkling New Year’s in Warsaw two years ago, and he took us out for shopping, Mojitos and music, and for lunch and hangout with his friends the next day. Medellín was much warmer than Bogotá, and much more tropical. It was a beautiful city where we found a great Vegetarian restaurant (where they had a sad plastic giraffe) and where most people seemed to be running around in their cute little workout outfits..

On our last day in Medellín, we made our way to Piedra del Puñol a bit outside of the city, which wasn’t necessarily a great choice as it was the last day of the holiday, so on our way back we found out that all the buses were fully booked and not even able to get there. So we hopped on a random bus that was passing by instead, and that worked just fine. It always does.

The “Best view in the World” wasn’t that mindblowing either, but it was definitely a fun daytrip.