Fallen stars
Tack till fina Ida!
Procrastination deluxe?
I’m very creative when I’m supposed to be studying.. anyway, this is it:
I have started a little project, called Shyt.me which basically stands for Share Your Thing.. and is a tumblrblog where anybody can submit their every-day pictures, thoughts, quotes, videos and so on, from all over the world.
I thought it would be a fun idea to create this to see what kind of pictures random people from random places would post, and to put up stickers around the countries that me and my friends visit, that would make it an international web page to share every-day life with the world.
It’s easy to post either via the page, or by sending an email or mms to the email address shytme(at)tumblr.com. The original thought was to print the email address on the stickers and just tell people to send anything to it.. wonder if that could work.
Thanks to the power of facebook the page is already alive.. it’s amazing how great facebook is when you have friends around the world that you don’t keep in touch with on a daily basis.. but still wouldn’t want to loose contact with.
I welcome you all to shyt on shyt.me by clicking SHYT in the menu on the right.. feel free to spread the word.. or the shyt if you prefer to call it like that.. or, as Josie would say: “are you shytting me?!”
This is some kind of world experiment.. let’s do this together. :)
No wind today
Creative lovers
We can all agree on the fact that thinking of love and sex affects our way of thinking, an article published in the Personality and Social psychology Bulletin suggests how:
This article examines cognitive links between romantic love and creativity and between sexual desire and analytic thought based on construal level theory. It suggests that when in love, people typically focus on a long-term perspective, which should enhance holistic thinking and thereby creative thought, whereas when experiencing sexual encounters, they focus on the present and on concrete details enhancing analytic thinking. Because people automatically activate these processing styles when in love or when they experience sex, subtle or even unconscious reminders of love versus sex should suffice to change processing modes. Two studies explicitly or subtly reminded participants of situations of love or sex and found support for this hypothesis.