“Let’s go to Fandango and dance!”
“But I’m travelling early tomorrow, I should just pack and sleep..”
3 minutes later:
“Let’s go. Give me 20 minutes.”
Sleep is only applicable when you don’t have the option to dance. And I even got back home early enough to pack and sleep!
Thanks for all the “vueltas”!

Fandango is a nice and intimate salsa place here in Managua where professionals gather to practice their spins and turns in their vicious little high heeled shoes that my feet just love to get in the way of. And then there’s normal people like me, who just try their best to follow the music and not loose their balance while getting.distracted by the overwhelming amount of arms everywhere, turning, spinning, behind heads, behind waists, around heads, up in the air, spin, spin, spin!
The bachata is far more friendly with its sexy little “one, two, three, pop!” – and if you don’t want to dance, you can just enjoy the show, it’s really beautiful to watch these people dance and to see their different styles.
Okay, little backpack ready. Costa Rica!
– Forgot to mention the feeling I had the other day when walking with a friend on our way to the club at 22 in the evening. Just like now, I was wearing shorts. And a simple top. And the breeze was so warm! Everybody here keeps complaining about the heat, and yes, you do sweat a lot. But I still don’t get it, what’s not to love about not having to be cold?! I’m very happy.