Category: Live from Android
I experience a weird kind of pleasure from having everything perfectly under control, maybe my last name makes me slightly German after all.
I have to show you my beautiful packing list tomorrow. It’s based on a master list that I adjust according to what the aim and destination of my trip is. It’s so pretty and nerdy! Oh, excessively meticulous? Me? Nahh.. haha
The kind of travel I’m packing for now is one of the more difficult types. I need formal and neutral office wear, skirts for sunny afternoons, casual beach wear, happy dancing dresses, long-distance bus wear and some warmer stuff for air-condition abused areas. Different kinds of cities, different kinds of meetings, different kinds of awesome. And I will have to look like a person almost all of the time as well.
I’m actually bringing my trainers this time as an attempt to keep on moving and get out of the office sometimes. And then there are the gadgets – a thousand essentials. I mean, who could ever do without an extension cord, a portable battery-pack, a mini luggage-scale or a USB hub?
A Moment of Peace
In these wonderfully hectic times, I have streamlined the appearence of my desktop and phone to remind me of one of the most calming scenes I know.
Watch the absolutely fantastic Ashes and Snow (2005) by Gregory Colbert if you need a moment of peace.
The movie was, by the way, the reason I made sure to find myself in the red Namib desert, and insisted to meet with the big cats when in Namibia last April.
Tell me all your stories
Errands etc.
Here’s a smiling and driving me.
Day full of errands today. Insurances, bank meeting, flight tickets, pharmacy, library, emails, phonecalls, necessity shopping – and the gym.
Next up – Allen Stone and an evening coloured by swinging soul.
Will tell you what’s up as soon as I’ve put my signature on a contract – never underestimate the power of jinx!
Mission continued
So my ten days of Bikram Yoga ended today. I finally managed to get into all of the poses on the last day, reaching my original goal with this period of ultimate body bending. I didn’t believe it was possible, but apparently the body adjusts a lot when practicing yoga in a hot room, and the changes are fast.
Stood on a scale this morning and was quite astonished by how much all that sweat must have weighed, and of course all that unhealthy food I have been refraining from. It’s much easier to tell friends “No junk for me, I’m doing that yoga thing, you know..” Than explaining how I actually feel better when eating clean.
A ten day intro trial at the only Bikram Yoga Center In Malmö is about 25€. If you decide to continue, you pay 130€ for ten classes. True story. And that’s just too much. Sweating-detox is officially over. Thank you Bikram, it’s been wonderful – Namaste.
Now, as I told you, I was enjoying the routine of exercising but missing some focus on strenght and stamina. So I passed by a very nice training center here in the city the other day to explain my situation and ask if I could sign up for a short term membership. Instead, I got signed up for a campaign where I get a free trial week and can go to all the SATS centers in the city, use the gym, and go to great group trainings. True story, again!
So I spent an hour at the gym yesterday after yoga, and today I was there again, before my last yoga class. It was just me, my iPod and the machines in my bubble of focus and enjoyment, and I couldn’t help but noticing that my muscles feel much more stretched out and flexible now than ever.
So I’m on a second mission. Until Sunday, I will see what I can do with my body and routine, and maybe I will get so used to working out that I will leave this country with some actual health discipline, not only when it’s for free and time limited.
I have triceps by the way, remember those muscles on the underarms? Yeah, I was finally reminded about them today. Oh, beloved pain.
Long shower and a proper night of sleep. Have stayed up working very late the past three nights so this is well deserved, and well enjoyed.
Good night.
Good night, world.
Kocham Cie, Mami.
Found this apple sitting on a lonely shelf in the grocery store. Too bad I’m allergic to it otherwise I would have eaten it today simply for the sake of cheesyness. Now, the irony in that.. haha
Instead of roses and chocolate, I have a Skype date today. Completely unrelated to the date, but very, very exciting. ;)
Happy Valentine’s Day, my darlings!