Adiós Nicaragua! Qué onda, Honduras?


We’re on the border now so this is my last little shout-out via my Nica 3G.

Sending much love to my Nica friends and work colleagues, you know who you are – it’s been a great half year and I am thankful for all I’ve learnt from you and all the good times we’ve shared.

Thank you and stay in touch!

Camila, lillgrisen, thanks for joining me in this adventure and enjoy the rest of your stay, the planets will surely continue to align and there are still a lot of gallo pinto places to try out!

Fily, qué hongos?! Thanks for the help this morning and for all the beautiful and positive vibes! Saludos a la Nica!

Natalia, Gaby – keep me posted on the project, it’s going to be big!! :D

Jahoska Minerba


I’m sitting next to a girl who possibly has the coolest name on the continent.

Twelve hours ahead of us to San Salvador, then I will spend the night there to catch the morning bus to Guatemala City. Probably. One never knows for sure. :)

A lot of hours to contemplate, think, and look out the window – in the meantime, young and curious Jahoska keeps asking me very random things and showing me YouTube videos on her phone. Now she is telling me about her life and childhood, and it is very, interesting and sad. Her name was misspelled when her birth was registered for the first time at the age of six. She was born in Guatemala, but her birth was never registered by her mother, until an uncle brought her to Nicaragua. There are a lot of stories in one story here, but I can’t share them like this.

Basically, I’m on the road again..


And very soon I will be crossing the border to one of the world’s most dangerous country. Or at least that’s what they say about Honduras..

Quartz Crystal


“You must wash it with water from the sea and charge it in the light of the full moon. The positive energy will protect you.”

My friend Carlos that I met on Corn Island in May was as positively surprised as I when we bumped into each other in Granada last weekend. “I have something for you!” he said, pointing at the quartz crystal he had among his handicrafts. “I was thinking of you just the other day, when speaking about animal rights and life cycles with a friend – I was making this crystal at the time – it’s filled with a lot of positive energy, you have to own it.”

I’m not necessarily the quartz crystal vibes kind of person – but it is indeed beautiful, and I never got the time to buy anything from Carlos when I was on the island. So I made it mine. Now I just need to find sea water and wait for the full moon.

And I think I need to create a new category for the blog, called ‘Caroline’s hippie stories’ or something. Haha

Too much to ask for.


Being able to look forward to things and plan ahead. Being able to build a base.

Staying open to opportunities is a wonderful way of allowing them to unexpectedly surprise you and transform status quo to actual plans and excitement for new experiences. Yay! Great. Hallelujah.

I’m still signing for and agreeing with the above. However, frankly, it is starting to kill me a little. Uncertainty, that omnipresent feeling of my past three years. Life on the edge, life in a backpack, life dedicated to collecting as much professional experience, interesting meetings and weekend trips as possible. It’s been overwhelmingly fruitful, I will not state otherwise, but it is a bit harsh on the personal side. On relations. On stability.

I told one of my most appreciated and loved friends that we would meet up very soon. I have it all figured out and calculated, the when, how and where. But still, I can’t afford to close myself to opportunity if or when it arises. Meaning that I can’t afford to promise that I will actually be there to meet up.

Now that I think of it, while being very free and flexible in spirit and allowing myself to move my entire existence with three days notice in the search for something fresh, I’m actually captured and locked up by not being able to make any long term personal commitments. Or buy things that won’t fit in a backpack.

Then, on the other hand, I’m in love with my job. I adore the learning process. So is my professional development my base? Is being able to “plan ahead” too much to ask for and not actually what I am seeking in life at this point? Actually, when I think of it, the times when I did plan a lot ahead was when I was very bored with every-day life. And I still plan, I always do, I just can’t really guarantee anything.

Go to sleep, Caroline. You’re having one of those mellow, lonely days.

Wait, wait, there’s a twist here. I decided at an early stage in life that there is no thing that one can’t aim for. No thing is too much to ask for. So all I actually need to do now is to decide what my aim is. Ensure that it’s balanced enough to inspire both of my personalities. And go for it.