Hanging in there


Building hanging devices for photos is my new special skill. The kind of hooks I had in mind simply don’t exist.. However I knew the way I wanted it to be and no other option seemed better so I had to design my own hooks from scratch, MacGyver style. This thing is going to be off the hook! (haha)
Tomorrow the press is coming for their special preview, Sunday is the big day. It’s been a pretty hectic time lately and I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep, but I have really been enjoying! Now wish me luck and I hope I get to hang out with you on Sunday!

Don’t leave me hanging!

Eh, I think I need some sleep. Goodnight.



I haven’t been feeling well the last two days but I still can’t seem to find the time to relax, there’s always some email to send, phonecall to make or paper to write.. My to do list is struggling against facebook and interesting news.. and none of it makes me feel any better.

“Girl, you’re sick! It’s okay to just do nothing sometimes. Watch tv! Or at least read a book or something, relax!”

Thank you Josie, I’ll let you win this time and leave the rest of my errands for tomorrow – it’s officially non-research-related reading time..

Ernest Hemingway – For Whom The Bell Tolls (1941)

Looking forward to the timetravel, I hope it’s a good one, ciao.

Moleskine 2011

I know it’s incredibly nerdy but I really can’t help loving these calendars and notebooks.

I got the 2011 weekly diary yesterday. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a 12month red one which is a bit annoying because I usually use the black notebooks and now I will be mixing them up with the calendar.. The last 18 months I have been running around with my red darling and it has survived a lot of different hand bags, countries and climates. It went with me from Sweden to Poland, Spain, Israel, Palestine and India and it helped me through my Master’s and other little projects. haha.. I’m too nostalgic to throw memories and dates like that away, actually I have a box with my old diaries that I keep for reference. That’s even more nerdy than being fascinated by the quality of a notebook… but seriously, there is no challenger!

Anyway, it’s a moleskine. You just have to love the paper. The size. The quality.. and that little pocket in the back.