Beautiful randoms.


I try quite hard not to be overtly romantic as I seem to have a cheesy gene that might take over my world if I don’t control it. Appreciating details and beauty in random moments is, however, something that I often choose to continue doing. Sometimes, I even choose to share. In other words – the following post is incredibly cheesy, but you have officially been warned.

On my last day in Barcelona we decided to go to the beach, it was a beautiful day. We walked, like so many times before, through the narrow streets of el Gotico and I was thinking about how much I loved the city, about how eclectic it was, and about how much I would miss my Barcelona walks, all the dancing and laughing and photographing and eating dinner late at night and drinking wine and talking, talking, loving, walking.

Right at that moment, I found this necklace on the ground. The street was completely empty. It was mine.

There’s nothing specific about it, the most simple of silver necklaces with little details completing it. Which also is the reason to why I love it so much – it reminds me of how romantic and beautiful simpleness and random details can be. And of how they are the perfect reasons to be happy.

The fear that fire gives

I never showed you the pictures I took in Cornellà de Llobregat the night of San Juan the 23rd of June. There is a Catalan tradition called Correfocs, where people dressed as devils and dragons spray fireworks at people and play drums while the spectators, children and adults soaked in water, run away and dance around in the fire. It was an amazing show to watch, and relating that to yesterday’s observations about water and joy, fire has completely different effect on people.

Personally, fire gives me a quite specific feeling, it evokes great respect, admiration and curiosity, while I subconsciously note an instinctive fear that in turn sparks adrenaline and a completely different euphoria than that brought by water. We are addicted to fear, we want to feel the rush of adrenaline, we want to watch scary movies and go skydiving. It’s a different kind of euphoria that we strive for and miss. Considering our ancestors that had to go hunting and protect themselves from dangerous animals and dangerous people, fear is an instinct that we once learned to live with. Today our lives are organised and easy, and food is comfortably found in the nearest supermarket. We are bored. So we hit the streets, have a guy put his medieval dragon-outfit on, and run for our lives.

..Goodnight :)

Barcelona – A 6 Month Romance.


Barcelona – my beloved. Thank you, you’re amazing!

Our relationhip lasted 6 full months and I’ve been enjoying every single day of it. The little streets of el Borne & el Gótico never stopped to both confuse and amaze me, the up-close insight into the protests of #Spanishrevolution, the never-ending dancing at carnivals and parties, all the great food cooked by my roomie Daneff, my darlings visiting me from around the world, the live show provided 24/7 by the neighbours, the fun I had when working at the Euroleague Basketball finals with the UNICEF, the hours spent relaxing in the sun in the Ciutadella park and at the different beaches in and around Barcelona, watching football, winning football, my work with the United Nations Association of Spain and most importantly – the boost in vocabulary I got from living in Barcelona, talking to people every day and from my Spanish classes, are priceless experiences that I always will carry with me.

And the people I’ve met – This post is about all of you. Thank you for all our shared moments – I’ve had a great time and many of us will surely meet again!

There is no other way to describe my time in Barcelona than great, I am in love with the city and thankful for the time I got to spend there. Somehow I was lucky to be living next door from one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, two minutes away from my daily classes, five from the UN Association, seven from Plaza Cataluña and 15 from the beach. By foot. In a beautiful apartment with really nice roomies and high ceilings.

Barcelona – Moltes gràcies!! And remember – this is not goodbye, this is hasta luegoI LOVE YOU!

I Jump

Some people complain there’s almost never pictures of me in my blog. Well, that’s the story of a photographer, I’m mostly the one standing behind the camera. Sometimes, however, people insist to take a photo of yours truly. And then, most of the times, I jump.

Grácia District, Barcelona. 2011

Calmness & Awareness

Some more pictures from yesterday, this time from the calm Plaza Catalunya just next to the Ramblas and the Champions League celebrations. I guess you can see the huge contrast. More of my photos from the #spanishrevolution can be found on flickr.

That’s it about yesterday’s events. Thank you all very much for the support and for spreading my blogs and photos through twitter and pressing the like on facebook button on my posts. By sharing information we get more confident, independent and aware of the situation around the world. Cheesy enough, I would like to tell people to please stop relying on the local newspaper as the only source of information.


Photos from yesterday’s celebrations of Barcelonas victory over Manchester United in Champions League. The energy and amount of people that filled the streets was something I had never experienced before and it was very intriguing to see how very excited people could get over the victory of their favourite team.

I had fun taking pictures even if I had to be careful as firecrackers were being randomly thrown into the masses and people were being very drunk, thus acting the way very drunk and excited people tend to do..

28th-29th of May, 2011 – “Canaletas” – Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain

Please read yesterday’s impressions, click the photos for more pictures, and well.. congratulations! :)