The Spanish Revolution

Today I went to Plaza Catalunya here in Barcelona to watch the #spanishrevolution movement gather and protest.

Plaza Catalunya, 19 de Mayo 2011 #acampadabcn

It is still a bit unclear exactly what it is that the protesters are trying to accomplish with these nationwide protests, they talk about change, about jobs, about the politicians, the bankers, the crisis, the big revolution and a better future. Chanting “Yes we camp!” while camping on the plazas around the country during the days, and making noise and organising big talks during the nights. All of this, continuously since the first protest on the 15th of May, and right before the elections that are due this Sunday, the 22nd of May.

What I witnessed today at Plaza Cataluña was a never ending noise from frying pans, keychains, whistles, trumpets, drums, singing and clapping. This went on together with dancing and jumping, nonstop for more than an hour. Tinnitus guaranteed.

After that, a big van with speakers was driven in to the middle of the plaza, and the crowds, thousands of people, sat down on the ground. The talks were on and after a short instruction presentation, presented together with a sign language interpreter, anybody who wanted to talk could come forward and express their thoughts, complaints and solutions though the microphone. The people would listen and either agree by shaking their hands in the air, disagree by forming an X with their arms, or tell the person they have been speaking for too long by doing another, pre-decided movement. So beautifully organised, so democratic!

I’m not sure if and how chanting and making noise will bring Spain to economical stability or make the politicians and bankers give up their salaries. I do, however, strongly believe that the simple fact of old ladies, little children, hippies, young students, parents, immigrants, activists and men in suits – thousands of them – singing, making noise, jumping together and talking – has a very positive effect in itself on the society.

So, even though my ears still hurt from all the noise, the way these people have organised their own revolution has been beautiful to witness and I support them in their continued peaceful and democratic fight for change. Whatever that change might be.

Silk & Palm Trees

Lo que era para nosotros, lo hemos hecho, y vos lo sabéis. Creedme: lo hemos hecho para siempre. Preservad vuestra vida resguardada de mi. Y no dudéis un instante, si fuese útil para vuestra felicidad, en olvidar a esta mujer que ahora os dice, sin añoranza, adiós.”

Alessandro Baricco – Seta (1996)

Yesterday, while in the park, I finished Ernesto Sabato‘s El Túnel (1948) which proved to be a very dark but good read. Today, when heading out to my favourite spot again, I grabbed a new book from our shared livingroom bookshelf that I so much appreciate.

As I have mentioned before, a lot of people have passed by this apartment, leaving little treasures behind in various languages in our bookshelf. I’m focusing on the Spanish one’s now as I have discovered the beauty of this language and really enjoy its richness and nuances.

Today I read Alessandro Baricco‘s short but very enchanting novella Silk (1996) in a couple of hours. I adored the reading so much I got completely sunburnt. It’s been a lovely Sunday.


So, I’m back in Barcelona with its hundreds of errands and things I need to do.. Somehow, however, without a proper Monday to-do list this week has felt kind of.. undefined.

Yesterday was the day when my curriculum, cover letters and various applications were in focus. It must be most time consuming task of all times when ambition tells you that perfection is the only option. But I did what I needed to do, while following the Barca – Real Madrid football game by listening to the shouting and singing of the neighbours and taking a look into what people all over the world were twittering. I’m really happy to have rediscovered twitter, it’s a very powerful tool for getting instant updates on whatever you are interested in and if you want to follow me, just ask!!/carolinebach

Today is another undefined day, I have some errands to run and tomorrow I get another visit from Sweden. They stay until monday and then other people come, then I go for a trip again, then there are music festivals and summer and then who knows.. With all these visits, projects and moving around I never really feel like I manage to get into routines here, I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but knowing me it’s probably the easiest way to save me from the darkness of boredom. haha

The picture above was taken on my street, it’s the Pakistani shopowner’s kids playing Barca football and that’s clearly a penalty kick. Barca scored that day.

Oh, and I might not have a nice to-do list this week but I do have a post it on my desktop with 10 projects and applications I need to start working on and that should be good enough for now. So.. see you around!

Black Tears and Obsession

There are people that you need to meet just a few times to realise that there is something about their ways that intrigue you. The beauty of those encounters is not to be denied, on the contrary, I believe they are to be enjoyed and explored as interesting people is a very scarce resource these days. But as reality at times can be a bit cruel, the intentions and interests of two people starting to interact often differ and your own interest might grow beyond that of friendship while the other person does not seek that kind of attention from you. Reality can decide that your possibilities for getting to know somebody better are limited by a somehow tangible reason such as distance – or the direct slap in the face such as the other person simply not gaining the same amount of stimulation from interacting with you.

Curiosity is a vicious little feeling when it gets abruptly interrupted. If somebody got your attention and you never got to further explore this person it can be very difficult to let go. Instead, you give your object of interest its own little room in your head and let it sit there and grow on you.

What often happens in that room is a process of glorification, you focus on the details that caught your interest in the first place while wondering about the rest. Curiosity tries to force you to fill in the blanks, and when you get blocked by reality, you panic and act irrational. You persuade yourself that this one is somebody you must fight for and that you just have to know what might have been.

It’s easy to forget the two most important details in this very classic situation – you don’t even actually know this person, and we are all people with our own preferences, thoughts and an ability to act, so if your object of obsession doesn’t respond to your attempts, you might just need to respect that.

Bebo y Cigala – Lágrimas Negras
Lágrimas Negras (2003)

“Aunque tú me has echado en el abandono
aunque tú has matado mis ilusiones,
en vez de maldecirte con justo encono
en mis sueños te colmo de bendiciones.

Sufro la inmensa pena de tu extravío
siento el dolor profundo de tu partida
y lloro sin que tú sepas que el llanto mío
tiene lágrimas negras como mi vida.”

April and Caipirinhas


Sun, people, caipirinhas, live music, world food and a market with everything from earrings to bread, all ecological. I even had some acai, the real thing! Did I mention that I love Barcelona?

Come on over to ‘La Feria por la Tierra’ at Passeig de Lluis Companys, you know where, right below the Arco de Triomfo and a bit into parque de la Ciutadella. It’s on tomorrow as well, see you around! :)