Work hard, play hard

So, unknowingly, I signed up for the most intense and hardcore class they offer at SATS – just because it sounded like fun and was at a suitable hour. Today, at 12AM. I died a little, but enjoyed A LOT and met an old schoolmate. So much fun!!

Below is a video of the trademarked GRIT Plyo 30 minute workout that is supposed to be the same all over the world and where you really get pushed to the limit. And seriously, with “Work hard, play hard” on the tracklist, who wouldn’t give in and do that last sit-up? haha

“LES MILLS GRIT™PLYO is an intense plyometric-based workout that gets results fast!

Combining the principles of plyometrics and power agility training, these 30-minute team training sessions on a bench will build a powerful, agile and athletic body.

The scientifically backed and comprehensively tested training routine regimen is supported by a highly-trained coach who is down on the floor with you, pushing you to your limit and making certain that you get results. “

Hey followers – Sorry about this new engagement of mine, I promise to write something more interesting or post a photo of myself very soon, ok?

Mission continued


So my ten days of Bikram Yoga ended today. I finally managed to get into all of the poses on the last day, reaching my original goal with this period of ultimate body bending. I didn’t believe it was possible, but apparently the body adjusts a lot when practicing yoga in a hot room, and the changes are fast.

Stood on a scale this morning and was quite astonished by how much all that sweat must have weighed, and of course all that unhealthy food I have been refraining from. It’s much easier to tell friends “No junk for me, I’m doing that yoga thing, you know..” Than explaining how I actually feel better when eating clean.

A ten day intro trial at the only Bikram Yoga Center In Malmö is about 25€. If you decide to continue, you pay 130€ for ten classes. True story. And that’s just too much. Sweating-detox is officially over. Thank you Bikram, it’s been wonderful – Namaste.

Now, as I told you, I was enjoying the routine of exercising but missing some focus on strenght and stamina. So I passed by a very nice training center here in the city the other day to explain my situation and ask if I could sign up for a short term membership. Instead, I got signed up for a campaign where I get a free trial week and can go to all the SATS centers in the city, use the gym, and go to great group trainings. True story, again!

So I spent an hour at the gym yesterday after yoga, and today I was there again, before my last yoga class. It was just me, my iPod and the machines in my bubble of focus and enjoyment, and I couldn’t help but noticing that my muscles feel much more stretched out and flexible now than ever.

So I’m on a second mission. Until Sunday, I will see what I can do with my body and routine, and maybe I will get so used to working out that I will leave this country with some actual health discipline, not only when it’s for free and time limited.

I have triceps by the way, remember those muscles on the underarms? Yeah, I was finally reminded about them today. Oh, beloved pain.

Long shower and a proper night of sleep. Have stayed up working very late the past three nights so this is well deserved, and well enjoyed.

Good night.

Bikram Yoga 5/10

“The greatest gift you can give yourself now, after 90 minutes in this room, is a perfect Savasana.”

she said as she faded the lights out and turned off the heating. And I lay there, on my back, after the fifth out of my ten Bikram Yoga days, pearls of sweat running down my waist, thinking about.. nothing.

I feel and see some progress in class. I notice that I can stretch further, I can finally touch my forehead to my stretched out knee, and today I managed to keep balancing in my best effort to do my favourite of the 26 asanas, the standing bow, until the instructor released us. It’s all a process, you go deeper into the poses, you start understanding them, you learn that by sliightly turning your toes inwards, you suddenly manage to almost do the triangle – yay! It’s a beautiful art that challenges your mind in many ways, and the sweating feels absolutely wonderful.

Standing Bow Pose. Photo: Bigstock Photo

And what about later? What happens when I leave the yoga studio? Frankly, not much. I step out of the hot room, there is no tension in my muscles, I take a cold shower and feel relaxed, calm and energized – and that’s pretty much it. I don’t really try bending my spine back into a 90 degree angle at any other point of the day or standing on one leg forming a “Capital T, as in Terrific! Leg up, arms stretched forward, stretch, strech, stretch! Come down. And exhale.” 

Balancing Stick Pose. Photo: Bikram Yoga North Miami Beach

I’m am sure the yoga has a positive effect on my body, especially along with the amounts of water I’m drinking and fruit I’m eating as a part of this little detoxing project. (Except when I find displaced chocolate.) My pores feel flushed out, I get a moment to turn off the mind and my ego skips with joy at any small progress. I am, however, longing for some muscle pain and action. I want to feel that I’ve been working out, I want to feel stronger, lift heavier, jump higher, push that one more time, hit that tennisball really hard with the racket in a more controlled forehand, or something. Explosive energy, dancing, laughter. My cup of tea.

From all the stories I heard about bikram before, I was afraid it would be completely exhausting and painful, and I was actually looking forward to the torture. However, it’s not as much that, as it maybe is quite dehydrating, although I’m not even really noticing that. But then again, those of you who know me well, know that I have a slightly strange body that seldomly asks me for water, food, sleep, or a toilet. “You were made for working in the field!” a former colleage once exclaimed.

And maybe that’s what I should do then. Go somewhere. After my Savasana.

Savasana. Photo: MokshaChallenge

Monday: Camels, rabbits and Savasana.


This morning I woke up early and signed up for a challenge to my discipline, mind and body. As my whole existence was pouring out through my pores while I was stretching into the camel, rabbit and a couple of Indian gods, the 40 degrees in the room weren’t bothering me at all. On the contrary, I was loving it.

Bikram Yoga in Malmö, 10 days of intense sweating, stretching and detox. I’m giving my hopes that the Savasana breaks will help me survive this, and I might give you a full report of this fantastically relaxing hippie torture if I do.

The shoelaces don’t match..


But I’m pretty sure these 8€ weird brand trainers can run just as fast and play tennis just as well as any other shoes. So I guess it all depends on me now as I’m not very good at all at playing tennis.. I do love it though, and that’s what matters – right? Oh, and running? Please, don’t even ask..

(If you know of a place where I can play tennis or squash here in Maputo, do let me know!)