

Today is one of those days when you feel like your body is falling apart, along with your mind. And all you have for company is tea and blankets.

Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being is one of my favourite books that affected me tons when I read it three years ago. Let’s see what the movie will do to me.



I just had very serious a soap-bubble fight with the best flatmate ever. Our floor is all wet and my hair is full of soap. The person who tells us that soap bubbles are for kids is asking to get attacked, there’s no such thing as being too old to play.

Grundvän Vogue

A grundvän is the person you can just always hang out with. With or without dancing shoes on, with or without a movie, with or without a specific thing to do. It’s the person you can spend hours with without talking, or doing nothing but. Or dancing, or laughing, or singing, or eating.. You know, no limits, no rules, no layers. Now, Vogue.

Madonna – Vogue
Vogue (1990)

Robert Jeffrey – Vogue

Robert Jeffrey, today in his 30’s, still loves Madonna.
So, who’s ready for Monday? :)