I’m so happy to have my girls with me here in Managua!
Den arrived yesterday – she is traveling through Central America on her way back home to New York after studying at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Den is Filipina, origninally from San Fransisco, and I got to know her in Brazil in 2008, when we went out eating and dancing together, spent time hanging out in the Ipanema hostel, and sat on a beach with a bunch of people while Den was singing and playing the guitar. We connected, became friends, and stayed in touch. In 2011 she came to visit me when I was living in Barcelona as part of her Europe trip and we spent a lot of quality time together walking for hours through the city, photographing, drinking absinthe, and talking about values. Den is one of those people who always knows where I am and what I am up to, we have similar ambitions and keep each other updated on our whereabouts, on opportunities, and on thoughts. Den has the warmest of smiles and biggest of hearts, and she dances hip-hop like a loca! (Don’t you think I will ever forget that night! haha)
You’ve already met Renata. We met in Barcelona in 2011 as well when working together for the UN Association of Spain, Renata lived in Barcelona for two years and we met a couple of times outside of work but never really got the time to spend time by ourselves. Our values, preferences and interests match very well though, and we have stayed in touch throughout the years. Renata is from the Dominican Republic and lives in New York. One day, two weeks ago, we were having a chat when she suddenly decided that she wanted to visit Nicaragua. I was thrilled to invite and host her here, so she arrived last Saturday and we spent some days on the beach before I had to get back to work and she traveled to Granada. Renata is a gem and we never really stop talking. Having her here has been a true pleasure and I’m thrilled to have a new amazing friend. Also – I adore her mini-fro.
I introduced the girls electronically at some point last year as they live in the same city and I’m happy to see that they are getting along really well. Actually, I’m kind of a bit overwhelmed by how valuable and beautiful they both are and how happy I am to have them here with me, and in my life.
Yesterday we went out to have dinner at a really nice middle eastern place here in Managua and shared a big plate of pure pleasure. The food was perfect, the atmosphere was great as we had a fashion show and lip syncing concert from Tercer Ojo just across the street, and the talks were just as detailed and juicy as girl talk can get when it’s at its best. It’s like a double rainbow all the way across the sky and you’re on your periodical. What does it mean?