What I need.

“You need somebody who will tell you that your ambitions are too high and take you down to earth, show you what life is really about and make you realize that you probably will be dissapointed if you continue dreaming the way you do and believe that you can move mountains.”


As long as I have a clear perception of reality, there’s no such thing as dreaming to much. I know my strenghts and weaknesses, I know what I am capable of, I know that there are no impossibilities if I make up my mind on completing a task and so far I’ve done all the weird things I’ve said I’d do, no matter what others have said or thought about it.

I refuse to align to normality, thinking what needs to be thought, doing what needs to be done and living the way other people tell me to live. I refuse to forget my dreams and I wont be content with what I have and where I am. Being content means choosing not to grow, learn and evolve, it means stopping wherever you are because it’s easier that way.

Stopping is not my cup of tea, what I need are more experiences and I’m really looking forward to them.

The sun

..makes everything look so much nicer.

I didn’t do what I was supposed to today, but at least I got some nice shots of the sunset.

I might have changed my mind about saving the world, can’t I just take pictures of reality instead?

No, I’m not being serious. My procrastination techniques have become more advanced with time, now my mind tries to fool me that the things I’m passionate about aren’t really interesting at all and that I don’t care about peace and conflict, international relations or psychology.

Good one, brain.

Barcelona & me

I think I would like to spend a year in Barcelona, just to get a feeling for it and see if it’s the right city for me. Right now it seems to offer everything that I look for in a city. A culturally packed place with beautiful architecture & really nice restaurants. Happy, fun-loving, relaxed people, shopping, sunny weather, great nightlife, amazing artist venues to explore.. and a beach! What’s more to ask for? Well.. a job?

I got the feeling that Barca is like a mini version of Rio de Janeiro. And remember when I said that I would gladly move to Rio if they just spoke spanish? Well, in Barca I could happily practice my beloved spanish. So.. why not? Well, I guess the current economic situation in Spain isn’t very intiving, I could imagine living there for a while to learn more spanish and maybe work somewhere, but a well-paid “real” job in Barca? Nah.. 

But who knows. Money might mean freedom and let me move around the world whenever I want to, but if I need to stay here to make it I don’t know if it’s worth it.. this place seriously has autumn all year around.

Aah.. come on now Sweden, give me some sun!

identity & prejudice

The most dramatic effects of social categorization have been demonstrated using the minimal intergroup paradigm pioneered by Tajfel and his co workers. Here participants are simply informed that they have been divided into groups, often on a relatively arbitrary basis. These groups are truly minimal, involving no group activity or contact between members. Yet when these participants are asked to evaluate anonymous ingroup and outgroup members or apportion rewards between them, they do so in a biased and discriminatory fashion, favoring ingroup over outgroup members.

Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, p560

Nothing most of you didn’t know already, but still. I think it’s good reminding oneself of how instinctively full of prejudices we all are. That awareness might actually make us better people.. And as Voltaire said, Prejudice is the reason of fools.

Heart skipped a beat

Please don’t say we’re done
When I’m not finished
I could give you so much more
Make you feel, like never before
Welcome, they said welcome to the floor

It’s been a while
And you’ve found someone better
But I’ve been waiting too long to give this up
The more I see, I understand
But sometimes, I still need you

Sometimes, I still need you

I was struggling to get in
Left waiting outside your door
I was sure
You’d give me more

No need to come to me
When I can make it all the way to you
You made it clear
You weren’t near
Near enough for me

Heart skipped a beat
And when I caught it you were out of reach
But I’m sure, I’m sure
You’ve heard if before

this album hurts me today.