

We have this tea here in Denmark called Yogi Tea. It always comes with these cheesy little notes and today I’m kind of liking mine.

Another thing worth mentioning is that this exam that I’m studying for is highly competitive. Despite that, people that have never met before are sharing notes, ideas and advice online. Selflessly helping each other out.

That’s quite exceptional, don’t you think? I have gotten to know some really great and intelligent people through this and I really wish them all the best. They are the kind of people the UN system needs.

Now, let’s do this – one day left!



You know that feeling of when you are studying for an exam and it feels like the actual questions will be about something you completely missed?

This time I kind of have to know everything so the feeling is more prominent than ever.

Whatever the case, I have learnt things and I have tons of random conversation-starters for those dinners where people insist on being dead-serious.

But, I mean.. IAEA IATI IASC UEAI R2P NPT ODA LDC IDA MPI ..oh, and did you know that malaria was eliminated by Turkmenistan and Morocco in 2010?

Now you do. Good night. :)

Your mouth tastes like sunshine, baby.

My name is not Daisy – The Balcony

“I can sense a world of heartache
but I love the sound
of your hair when it falls down
from the pillow late at night”

This is a cover by Danish artist My name is not Daisy and I discovered it yesterday when my housemate was singing in the kitchen and I was struck by the amount of beautiful metaphors in it. The original is by the Danish band The Rumour Said Fire and it is also beautiful but far less singable.
And we really like singing along, don’t we?

Darlings from far.


“I saw the blog post about simple, random, and beautiful things. Four words for you: Birds chirping at night.”

I truly love my darlings from far away, some of my closest friends are people I’ve met on travels and when living abroad. These amazing people contribute to my reality with the most brilliant of input and we share priceless insights, trust and advice that crosses all kinds of borders of understanding, not only time-differences.

“Moving around has been a big part of your life, you can potentially calm down, but it wouldn’t stop you from seeing the world in different forms.”

“Es cómo lo de la velita en el pastel. Siempre keeping the fire burning, los dos.”

Darlings, thank you for being.

Beautiful randoms.


I try quite hard not to be overtly romantic as I seem to have a cheesy gene that might take over my world if I don’t control it. Appreciating details and beauty in random moments is, however, something that I often choose to continue doing. Sometimes, I even choose to share. In other words – the following post is incredibly cheesy, but you have officially been warned.

On my last day in Barcelona we decided to go to the beach, it was a beautiful day. We walked, like so many times before, through the narrow streets of el Gotico and I was thinking about how much I loved the city, about how eclectic it was, and about how much I would miss my Barcelona walks, all the dancing and laughing and photographing and eating dinner late at night and drinking wine and talking, talking, loving, walking.

Right at that moment, I found this necklace on the ground. The street was completely empty. It was mine.

There’s nothing specific about it, the most simple of silver necklaces with little details completing it. Which also is the reason to why I love it so much – it reminds me of how romantic and beautiful simpleness and random details can be. And of how they are the perfect reasons to be happy.