6.30 am – dance!

My DSPS was just a matter of choice. I still love and prefer nights, but I have managed to prove to myself that it is possible to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am. Now it’s just a matter of being able to stay in that rhythm throughout the coming months. And in the dark, dark winter.

Anyhow, now it’s 6.30am and I’m so fresh n so clean, clean! And very very eager to dance my way to the WFP office in a couple of hours. Can you imagine? I have time to take it easy before work! That’s just golden.

The picture above says “Dance!” in Polish – today I urge you all to do so. I love people who dance in public without caring who’s watching, I mean, nobody probably cares anyway – and if they do, you might just have made their day a little bit more interesting.

Gah, I’m in such a cheesy mood! But that’s okay this early in the morning. Good morning!

So exciting!


Today was my first day at the WFP office in Copenhagen. I am pretty sure my time here is going to be very interesting and I’m really looking forward to meeting all the great people tomorrow again.

Now – back to Malmö and fika with my favourite Mexicana.

Hey kids!


I have a new simcard that uses the same network in Sweden and in Denmark, making it almost free rather than insanely expensive to use 3g when I’m on the other side of the bridge.

In other words: I’m back! :)