Author: Caroline Bach
6.30 am – dance!
My DSPS was just a matter of choice. I still love and prefer nights, but I have managed to prove to myself that it is possible to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am. Now it’s just a matter of being able to stay in that rhythm throughout the coming months. And in the dark, dark winter.
Anyhow, now it’s 6.30am and I’m so fresh n so clean, clean! And very very eager to dance my way to the WFP office in a couple of hours. Can you imagine? I have time to take it easy before work! That’s just golden.
The picture above says “Dance!” in Polish – today I urge you all to do so. I love people who dance in public without caring who’s watching, I mean, nobody probably cares anyway – and if they do, you might just have made their day a little bit more interesting.
Gah, I’m in such a cheesy mood! But that’s okay this early in the morning. Good morning!