Getting to know people from different parts of the world means flowing through realities while learning how to appreciate cultural differences and accepting the contrasts between personalities. Taking the details you most appreciate about them and making them yours, letting them affect and change you.
I believe that learning from people is the most colourful and beautiful way for self development. The art is knowing how to find those little differences and mismatches, learning how to handle them and choosing what to apply to your own personality to become a better person. New people and contrasts are the keys to open-mindness and understanding, the secret to learn how to efficiently communicate with people from different worlds and realities. It is the only way to actually understand the culturally bound and completely subcontious signals we at all times are sending out to the world and the effects these signals actually have on our surroundings.
My lifestyle gives me the incredible opportunity to meet and get to know amazing people from everywhere. At the same time, however, it forces me to at some point transform those friendships to an online mode and move on with my things. Because of this, I try to extract as much as possible of every interesting person I meet on the way, and staying in touch is crucial for me in order not to loose my roots.
I’m not rooted the way many people are in their own locally created society. I’m bound to my friends from everywhere around and I appreciate and care about them in the same way that one cares about that friend next door. Internet provides me with the possibility to stay in touch with all these people, keeping my networks active, being able to follow my friends’ development and still share and change and learn from each other. It’s, as I said, crucial for me to keep these friendships alive, online they provide a different dimension to the relationship, and as I keep hopping around the planet, the chance of meeting again is more likely with every day that passes.
Going home by bus from the airport at 6.30am after saying goodbye to the Venezuelan girl that I shared my flat with the last 6 months sparked my need for writing these thoughts down. You bring something with you from every person you choose to let in and this specific relationship has been more fruitful and deep than most as we both have an interest for and understanding of the human mind and the society while at the same time being culturally, emotionally and personally very different. I learnt a lot from Daneff, and I am very sure we will stay in touch and continue to share our experiences, support each other and learn from each other’s differences. Skype is King.
Gracias por todo mi guapi. <3
Time to get some sleep.