365 words

“If you learn one word a day, in a year you will know 365 words.”

Words of wisdom from Aziz from Pakistan that sits next to me on the bus. We have just arrived to Barcelona after an 8h trip. And as many times, a simple bus ride proved to be more fruitful than many other things I do that seem to be of higher importance.

Good morning!



“¿Cómo podía no tuitearme si nos conocíamos desde siempre, desde mil años atras?”

Ernesto Sabato – El Túnel (1948)

Yes I just did a bad twitterjoke. Haha

I just got on my bus to Barcelona. Figured it might be nice to do an all-nighter and I’m really looking forward to blocking the world out with music and sleep on this bus. A little touch of travel. Until this bus starts moving – I’m reading Sabato.

See you in Barcelona!

Little Carolinka

So, this morning I received an email from my Mami. She wrote that she liked my blogpost about the singing but that she was dissapointed as she was very sure she had been the first person singing a “Caroline” song for me. And she’s very right, I forgot about this one.
The picture above is me and the worlds best Mami on a beach sometime in the late 80’s, as most of you already know, Carolinka is what my family calls me.

The video below is from the same period and it’s the very Polish Slask Song and Dance Ensemble doing Karolinka. Nostalgic!

Euroleague for Africa


Euroleague Basketball, Turkish Airlines and Los 40 Principales Radio together present the Euroleague for Africa Charity concert for UNICEF.

The magic happens tomorrow, Saturday May 7th, at the Olympic Esplanade in Barcelona, right next door to Palau Sant Jordi. You’ll get there by hopping on to bus 50, 193 or the Pl. Espanya – Palau Sant Jordi one from Plaza Espanya. Here’s more information at the Unicef España site (in Spanish). You can also click the picture above for official Euroleague info and for tickets.

All the profit from ticket sales go directly to UNICEF so I really hope to see you there tomorrow! ;)

Sing my name!

I generally consider my name a very boring and common one, I’m Caroline in Sweden and for English speakers, Carolina in Spain and Poland.. and well, Meng Xin Min in China.. haha. What I do find funny, however, is when random people start singing for me when I introduce myself. I love people that spontaneously burst into singing, and when they make fun of my name it’s just even more entertaining.

My first memory of people singing my name is from when I was travelling around South America. In Argentina I met two brothers with guitars in Buenos Aires and then later a friend in Mendoza that all were singing the quite unknown but very lovely What if I do? by Foo Fighters. I had never heard the song before and it became a personal favourite although I always preferred the live version I had in my mind.

When I reached Brazil a month later, I didn’t meet a single Brazilian that didn’t sing Seu Jorge – Carolina for me every time I introduced myself. Seriously, I’m not kidding. So, I checked out the artist, and fell in love with his music.

Here in Spain people don’t burst out into singing that often, it has, however, happened more than twice and here’s my official Spain song: M-Clan – Carolina.

At last, internationally.. I get Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline. And it makes me like my name just a little bit more :)

Today has been an intense day with a lot of Basketball and UNICEF and fun. The two teams with the most impressive and loud supporter groups won so I am really looking forward to the game and all the singing on Sunday. Oh, and the concert tomorrow! You’ll get more info soon but I am really tired and going to sleep right after that! No excuses!

So what if it’s Friday? :)