Gratis alkohol & bredare trottoarer åt folket!

Ni vet väl att man kan få läsa vad folk skrivit på sina handskrivna röstsedlar? Har man lite tid över kan man ju sätta sig in i det och förundras över vilken fantastisk humor vissa tycks ha!

Börjar man scrolla märker man ganska snart att Kalle Anka, eller Kalle Anka-partiet är ganska återkommande, enligt Wikipedia har någon registrerat partiet hos Valmyndigheten med gratis alkohol åt folket samt bredare trottoarer som främsta valfrågor. haha, älska humor alltså.

Några av mina personliga favoriter är dock:

  • Kommunistiska Hippie Partiet
  • Robotpartiet
  • Amirs ninja parti
  • Sexualdemokraterna
  • Stalinistiska Mördarpartiet
  • Roligare Söndagar
  • Ge mig jobb

Haha, otroligt bra. Nästan så man önskar att man fick rösta två gånger. Gonatt!


Aphex Twin – Ageispolis
Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (1992)

To appreciate this tune you might need in-ear headphones with a nice frequency response, if you use mediocre laptop speakers the most important details may be lost. I like it, it’s one of those old classics that isolates you from everything and take you on a mind-trip. Enjoy.

Xenophobia and Provocation

Not letting oneself get provoked by the stupidity or aggression of other people is a crucial energy-saver in daily life.

It takes a lot to provoke me in a way that will make me angry or care, and when you expose yourself to a lot of culture differences, unexpected situations and well, find yourself in clubs next to young girls undergoing their attitude-crisis, it is a priceless skill. Answering aggression with love is easy once you’ve learnt how to not take yourself too seriously, and it’s a lot of fun!

This example is a demonstration of personal strength beyond what I believe I would ever be able to express, in this case faith might play its role, however, getting angry is human, so the fact that the man they talk about in this video is a reverend is for me irrelevant, he’s just admirably self confident and strong.


Being angry might be important to demonstrate an attitude to the wider public and the entry of the xenophobic party Sweden Democrats into our parliament did make me upset even if it was expected. However, the campaigning that I see on facebook that urges us to isolate all the people that voted for them, burn their cars and make riots is just.. uhm.. very much working to their own advantage.

Non-violent demonstration of resistance against the attitudes that this party is campaigning and a clear debate is important, however, dialogue and communication is crucial for changing attitudes, and these people clearly have some issue that they want to us to take more seriously and listen to, so.. they need to be a part of the dialogue in order for it to have any effect. That’s what democracy is all about, and we need to respect that.

Using reverend Wade Watts from the example above, a forgive them father for they don’t know what they are doing –kind of way is the first step. Then the next one is to quickly identify and find them, put them in a room and tell them the truth: xenophobia just isn’t awesome in any way.

Ingesting dead cholera bacteria

Dukoral works by introducing very small amounts of dead cholera bacteria and nontoxic components of cholera toxin into the body.

That does sound quite nasty, doesn’t it? I am deliberately ingesting something that is dead, and sick, and.. bacterial?

This allows the body to make antibodies against the bacteria and toxin so that if the bacteria does get into the body and produce the toxin, they are immediately attacked by the body’s own defense system.

Defense system for the win, at least I’m not getting the real thing.. and by the way, Dukoral has the most random of tastes: Raspberry. Awesome.

Eloisa to Abelard

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d;
Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
“Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;”
Desires compos’d, affections ever ev’n,
Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav’n.
Grace shines around her with serenest beams,
And whisp’ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
For her th’ unfading rose of Eden blooms,
And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
To sounds of heav’nly harps she dies away,
And melts in visions of eternal day.

Alexander Pope (1717)

Lovely planet

La Paz, 2008

‘Hey, you have the Lonely People!’
‘Sorry, the what?’
‘That book, it’s like the bible for people that travel alone. You just take it out of your bag and it instantly attracts other lonely people!’
‘Haha, I guess you’re right. I don’t like the hype around it but it’s still unbeatable when it comes to having all the timetables, information and good deals on hostels in one place. And sure, I do travel alone most of the times, however I couldn’t say I’m ever lonely when I travel!’
‘Touché! That’s true, let’s call it the lovely planet then, with lovely people!’
‘Cheesy enough, I like it! Haha, I’m Caroline, nice to meet you.’
‘I’m Dan, did you try the juices around the corner?’
‘Not yet, should I?’
‘Well, they are freshly squeezed by really nice old ladies and you get to choose just about any fruit you want.. they cost 30cents.. and they come in a plastic bag with a straw!’
‘Sounds perfect, are you joining?’
‘For Bolivian juice? Always!’
‘Great, let’s go!’


Time to grow.

So my ambitions might be a bit overwhelming. I’m a time optimist. And a perfectionist. And I feel the urgent need to be in complete control of anything that concerns me as a person. And to do things. These are heavy burdens, but also my main drive. I love the hype when things are difficult.

I popped an idea in the right place and now I’m in complete charge of something bigger than me. I’ve never done this before, but it’s more me than anything I have done before, getting the opportunity to connect my main passions, interests and concerns like this is a bit overwhelming at this point, but I guess this means this is the right time to grow, focus and enjoy!

ten years

Tonight we were hanging out the way we used to ten years ago. Feels kind of like this is the moment when one is supposed to say “time flies!” and well, it’s been many years indeed, however, I couldn’t say they just flew by.. The amount of fun we’ve managed to squeeze in between then and now is just.. wow. :)