
I couldn’t say I agree with the political vision of George Bernard Shaw, but his writings on life are pretty striking.

“When two people are under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive, and most transient of passions, they are required to swear that they will remain in that excited, abnormal, and exhausting condition continuously until death do them part.”

George Bernard Shaw
Getting Married, 1908


“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.”

George Bernard Shaw, 1983
Mrs. Warren’s Profession

No me odies, linda.

Photo taken at Lomma beach

Yesterday I spent the day thinking about energy and other fluffy things such as yin & yang in relation to relationships between people. I believe in the existence of positive versus negative energy that is present everywhere and that determines the mood of people and the ways in which they affect occurring situations. (That’s probably the fluffiest you’ll ever get from me.)

Sometimes you meet a person that fills you with positive energy and makes you very energetic and happy, other people make you sad and tired. Sometimes a simple phonecall from a friend can spark the feeling of either being sucked out of energy, or filled with it. This is commonly understood and nothing to discuss really, different people affect each other differently..

What I was thinking about yesterday was the balance. Yin & Yang, black and white, man and woman, rain and sun. We often hear that balance is the preferred option, we need to balance each other out. If you’re very calm, you need a person who will hype you up, and if you’re very dominant, you need somebody who will let you have that role without protesting. That’s the utopia. Finding balance. Harmony.

However.. after contemplating this for a while I went, “but what if two very driven, energetic and happy people get together, what happens then?” And what I think is that when you posess some specific traits, it’s not really about leveling them out, because why should we supress the essence of ourselves to compromise? It’s rather about enforcing what’s best about you. I believe that if two people that are loaded with very positive energy get together, what happens are not only amazing fireworks, but an instant and constant process of development and growth. Hype and happiness.

It’s just a thought, but I think I believe in it.



I’m really not hungry but my mom’s food experiments are out of this world so I had to grab some.. Why didn’t I inherit her cooking skills?

Add/Edit: One can always hope that it’s one of those latent skills that will pop out when I start trying and caring. Right now cooking tops both my “boring things to do” and the “things I simply refuse doing” – list. :)

Nästa helg!

Jag ser fram emot nästa helg. Det är ju så underbart när det händer saker i Malmö!

Dock händer allting alltid på samma gång, det är ju typiskt att stan kan vara halvdöd i månader för att sedan explodera i en överdos av events under ett och samma veckoslut. Men jag är lika glad för det, får försöka hinna med så mycket som möjligt helt enkelt!

Helgens höjdare blir alltså förutom efterlängtade Möllevångsfestivalen, som pågår fredag till lördag, det helt underbart sköna bandet Little Dragon som uppträder på Hedmanska gården fredag kväll klockan nio.

Det kommer bli sjukt bra, ni måste hänga på och dansa!! :D

Do it


Am I nerdy enough to do this?

I have a day off tomorrow again, that makes it two in a row.. wow.. wonderful exception. Too bad a day off equals ‘day I’m supposed to be studying’.. I’m not happy about this deal but at least I’m happy about the sun!!

..problem is I need insane amounts of nerdyness to stay inside.