Author: Caroline Bach
Staff retreat
Day 2 in Belize City
Thanks Belize City, I admit I was very worried, but you did extraordinarily well today.
After waking up with the sunrise and feeling like there might be some hope in this new adventure of mine after all – I was picked up and taken to work.. passing by the seafront.. palm trees!
The office was very inspiring on many levels, first with the utterly friendly welcome breakfast and my new happy colleagues, meetings and defining my work priorities for the months to come, setting things up, lunch with colleagues by the sea – where we even managed to find a nice vegan option! – getting my new sim card and 4G connection, and then a proper after work with the other newly recruited international staff member. And as a cherry on top, I was driven home by a super friendly driver recommended by the office – who just called to say he had probably found me a car.
And.. I might be signing contract for an apartment this weekend.
I shall embrace and rock this.
Morning rays
Good morning palm trees, good morning neighbour on the other side of the little river, good morning new city.
Let’s start from scratch today, no? I know you’re not a very big city, I know you don’t have tons of activities to offer and that it’s not going to be very easy here – but I got to wake up with the sunrise today, and I’ll do my best to enjoy you.
Glass door
Quick hey from ATL!
Some of you have been worried about the whole deal of me spending the night in the airport after an entire day of flying – well, I decided I won’t. Travelling for pleasure/adventure is different than travelling for work and I can’t push it the same way and arrive exhausted. Also, turns out I had collected enough nights at to redeem a free night here, which was perfect. So this doesn’t even cost me anything. Yay!
Atlanta airport was almost as annoying as Miami, it took more than 2 hours to get through the thing. And apparently my bags will be checked all the way through to Belize.. or so they insist, so let’s hope everything I packed will actually be joining me all the way. Right now I’m just relieved I didn’t have to carry any of that weight again, and that I packed enough stuff in my carry-on to survive a couple of days in case I have to wait for the luggage – and the speaker and T-Red are obviously here with me. :)
Anyway, time for a long shower and some sleep – the game is on early tomorrow morning again. Another set of long lines, another couple of passport stamps, and a flight to my new city.
Yes – I’ve asked the hotel to wake me up in the morning.
Smile of the Day from UNICEF Mozamibique
Music, Candy & Fire
“Argghh, are we moving somewhere AGAIN?? Ooh.. ooh.. oooh.. wait, never mind, I LOVE the sound of whatever it is you’re playing on this thing right now – let’s go, girl!”
T-Red is apparently ready. He just jumped into my bag along with my new mindblowingly awesome mini speaker.
Audiophile much? Me? Moi? Oui! Yay!
SOHN – Lights
Tremors (2014)
And hey, in case you didn’t notice – the sun is out!