Category: Sweden
Ti i ja smo katastrofa
Just got a message from a friend. She wrote that she misses me and sent me a photo of a collage I did for her birthday some years ago. It’s our years in high school and some more, spent together, singing, skiing, eating chocolate, dancing to Halid Beslic and having lots of unpredictable fun. Me and Bex.
Protected: Rock your body!
The art of being sick.
My dear roomie came home yesterday evening and looked at me as I was laying across our couch, staring bluntly into the ceiling. “Poor sweetie, you look like shit.” she said. Confirming what my body had been telling me all day.
Today I woke up without feeling any better, but with an urge to work from home. So I did. I think I’m just really bad at being sick, it’s not exciting enough.
Later on I spoke to a friend. “Real strength is being able to admit to weakness” she said. Cheesy but true. So I finally let my mother convince me that I would be better off with her in Malmö. It didn’t cure me but at least it’s warm in this room. There will be chicken soup. And I’m attending an interesting conference tomorrow.
It’s being broadcasted online as well so I promise not to go there. I might even rest a little. I think I have to learn this skill.. Seriously, what do people do when they are sick?
Team Avina
Food tetris
When I cross the bridge I always do grocery shopping as the prices are much lower and I can drive and access the big malls in Malmö. I’m going back to Copenhagen with a huge suitcase filled with winterclothes and food. I’ve been in Malmö for the weekend to run tons of errands and spend time with friends and my Mami. Now I’m on the train, the inside of my suitcase looks like a game of tetris and I think I’m ready for the winter.
Bladins International School
The reason I crossed the bridge to Malmö last week was to hold a presentation about the WFP at Bladins International School. It was great fun.
Read more here. (in Swedish)