30 is the new 20 – Grattis Bumbi!


“Oh my god – I’m so old!” she gasped, clutching harder on to the string holding a pink helium-filled balloon with 30 written on it. “It’s crazy!”

The apartment was full of people I hadn’t seen for years and it was great fun to have a talk with them again. Big O kept demonstrating how he was tall enough to touch the ceiling, as usual. Also, according to tradition, the whole group kept chanting for M to finally ask M to marry him. H was there, or was he really? We took a bunch of photos which I was tasked to stitch together. And there was a slideshow with old embarrassing photos on the TV, including a couple of shots from when I lived in Warsaw seven years ago – and met Bumbi for the first time.

At some point during the evening I found the coco-chocolate-pink-cream thingies. *pause for drooling* (Daj mi ten przepis!)

We went to Privé, the place where we all used to dance as 16-year olds and which reopened a couple of months ago. For old time’s sake. The music was mostly perfect, the atmosphere became ours and the balloons joined us all the way. I checked out at 4am to drive a friend home, but as far as I know, the party ended as much as two hours later – which I find very impressive for being in Malmö – and a very clear and indisputable argument for the fact that Bumbi really isn’t old at all.

Your age is in your head, kochana – thank you for a great party!























UNA Workshop



Spent the day in Gothenburg at a workshop with a group of students from UN Association certified schools around Sweden. My role was to tell my own story and share advice, tips and inspiration. The group was very eager and involved in the conversation which is my favourite kind of audience – dialogues are so much more fun than monologues. Thank you all, I hope to see you again – and good luck with everything!

Yay, Monday!


I’m trying out different gyms in Malmö. None of them will let me sign up short-term anyway, and I’m still not planning to hang around here for much longer. One month for 10€ here, one week trial for free there, and so it goes. Maybe I’ll write a gym guide when I’m done. Haha

Back to work now – I’m going to Gothenburg tomorrow to do a lecture. It’s for youth and they named it “Inspiration and guidance by Caroline Bach” which made me giggle. It sounds like I’m some kind of New Age dreadlock lady who will come on stage dressed in a long white dress carrying a stereo playing dolphin sounds. Haha! No, it’s just human rights, engagement, ideas, UN, and career stuff for young people who want to get engaged. I promise. No “fall back and Iet me catch you” workshops on my account. I like dolphins but I’m far more into proactivity. Get going! Yay!