Stuck in Stockholm



So the big storm that struck southern Sweden yesterday made it easier for Avina to convince me to stay in Stockholm another week. I got amazing customer service from Norwegian who changed my flight without charging anything, and now I’m here – the girls took the day off from the office and we are working from a hotel bar. Just like that.

Butterflies, birds and bumblebees – the story of a lone child.


Here’s an excerpt from my top secret cook book/diary/adventure book from when I was 10 years old.

These are carefully written down instructions on how to create a little “butterfly farm” – the instructions invlude catching butterfly larvae, keeping them in a specially prepared plastic container with nettles, wait for them to build their chrysalis, and then watch them fly out as butterflies.

Animal rights and all those things were not really something I understood at that time (I once kidnapped a little duckling from the park..) although I was really into protecting and saving hurt animals. From a very early age, all kinds of insects were my favourite animals to study (maybe because they were all I could catch). I caught grasshoppers, spiders and big beautiful moths and I would run around with my magnifying glass and look at their little heads and legs and compare what I saw with my big encyclopedia of animals that was like my bible. I took care of several birds and kittens, and once I “saved” an injured bumblebee from a group of ants and kept it in a jar for two days (filled with leaves and other things that I thought bumblebees eat.. haha) until it could fly again. The jar had breathing holes of course. I was very happy.


Photo from 1995 with the magpie “Skrollan” that I had for a week. She had an injured wing.. but I was still sad when she finally flew away.

Every time I had to say good bye to an animal I had to make an effort to combat the natural urge to own, and accept what I knew was right. Learning about breakups at age 9, life was hard. haha

Did I mention that I didn’t have any siblings? Thank you for an exciting childhood, oh big black Polish book from 1989.





22 minutes of LOVE

I am completely blissful about Active Child’s latest EP, Rapor..! Yes, even an exclamation mark right there. It has been up for streaming for a week now, and releases today (October 22nd) on iTunes through Vagrant Records. The EP has instantly been added to my list of rare but perfect albums for driving at night and singing along. What you have here is absolutely wonderful 80’s electro pop with Pat Grossi’s sweet and melancholic falsetto voice, glistering synths and some subtle but very much welcome post-dubstep vibes that reconnect you with the 2013 feel. Featured on the EP are also the vocal talents of Ellie Goulding and Mikky Ekko (Who tips on the border of sounding just a little bit too much like Justin Timberlake, but gets away with it.) The EP is only 22 minutes long and leaves me craving for more, but the six tracks still manage to provide a perfect balance between playful, painful, epic and soulful. It’s just all there, I’m not kidding. A thousand times repeat.