Now or never


One thing I’ve learnt is that if I don’t unpack immediately when coming home, I kind of never do.

So now the big process has begun again; sorting and washing every single thing that accompanied me on this trip, trying to find a place for my new treasures – and rediscovering my old wardrobe, my room, and all the things I have forgotten that I own.

That, and seeing family and friends, of course. It’s Saturday and I’m not THAT tired, so see you later Malmö!

Children’s World Map

Childrens World Map
Clicck to view/download a larger version

In 1979 Sweden was the very first country in the World to introduce a ban on corporal punishment of children. In recent years, many other countries have followed and as of today, 34 States have introduced a comprehensive ban on corporal punishment of children as part of their national legislation.

*Only 31 countries are displayed on this map (Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan not included)

Source: Save the Children Sweden – See more here.