Throwin’ deuces in the air


My beloved Josie, to the left above, just sent me this photo from 2006 a couple of days ago. We were on our way to a party with the car full of happy girls, I was the designated driver as always, and my expression is just too hilarious to not share it. Peace!

“Chuckin the deuce”

To throw your hand up to hail someone or greet a friend done by throwing your hand up showing the peace sign backwards.

Originally from Houston, Texas.

– ”

Om nom nom nom Malmö

Leonie crossed the bridge yesterday to help me out with a big piece of cheescake. Later on in the evening, the girls came to hug and say goodbye at the really nice Chilout Sushi Lounge where Jesaja was playing funk beats and the baked sushi rolls were really, really, really good.

Today has been a lovely day in the sun. With more of that mind blowing cheescake from Pronto Coffeehouse. My last weekend in Malmö, I can’t believe it.

Allen Stone live @ Babel, Malmö.

Danced to the fantastic voice and souly vibes of mega-talented and charismatic Allen Stone and his band yesterday at Babel here in Malmö. Ah, the euphoria! Live music is one of my top favourite things in the world, especially when played in an intimate place like this where I can come up close, breathe the lyrics in, and dance my mind off.

Videos and photos below. Enjoy!

Oh, come on. Boost it up to 1080p HD, already!———–

And here’s an absolutely fantastic cover of Bob Marley’s “Is this love?” – it is!

If you are into soul music and ever get a chance to see this guy live, do it. It’s like getting on a ride all the way back to the golden years of Motown. Goosebumps guaranteed.

Errands etc.


Here’s a smiling and driving me.

Day full of errands today. Insurances, bank meeting, flight tickets, pharmacy, library, emails, phonecalls, necessity shopping – and the gym.

Next up – Allen Stone and an evening coloured by swinging soul.

Will tell you what’s up as soon as I’ve put my signature on a contract – never underestimate the power of jinx!