Cross Regional meeting on Violence Against Children, cool art, and a glimpse of Kingston

Kingston, Jamaica

We arrived in Kingston on Monday morning and headed straight to the first day of the cross regional conference on violence against children, chaired by the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children along with Lisa Hanna, the Jamaican Minster of Youth and Culture and also Miss World in 1993 – still beautiful.

After the conference we went to the Red Bones restaurant in New Kingston, where we came across amazing Richard Nadoo and his exhibition “Reverbation of the Silent Echo”.. I was enchanted by the details and colours in his art, and the very complex story connecting the pieces. My favourite piece was already sold which made me really sad but I might get the opportunity to buy something from him at some other point. The food was nice and the atmosphere very cozy in Red Bones, despite the lack of promised live music.

On the second day of the conference participants from different organisations and regions continued sharing their experiences and challenges related to child protection, and the sessions ended with a presentation by Jamaican youth on the issues that they feel affect them the most.

After the conference we went to Bob Marley’s house, which has been transformed into a museum. Photography was unfortunately not allowed, but looking into Bob Marley’s recording studio, kitchen and bedroom, with all of their cool details and cool carpets and beautiful instruments was very interesting, and I actually never knew Bob Marley’s father was an Englishman who died when Bob Marley was 10 years old.

On our last evening I stayed in, relaxing for a bit before the 3am wake up call and airport pick up, and then we did the long trip through Miami airport – back to Belize, back to the breeze, back home. :)

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Richard Nattoo art

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica

Das Working Environment


I was listening in on a presentation about exciting UNICEF C4D initiatives earlier, such as the “Take Poo to the Loo” campaign in India – you need to see that Youtube video! The Word-made calendar behind me is inspired by the huge calendar Camila set up in our office in Nicaragua where we planned each month in detail – it’s really nice to have an overview of all the awesomeness that is coming up, and I’m reminded about meetings and deadlines I maybe subconsciously am trying to ignore.

I feel like I can breathe in my office now that I took the time to go through and sort all of the papers, folders and publications in had in my bookshelf. The communication officer office is usually where at least one copy of all printed material is dumped and stored.. and it was a complete mess that I couldn’t get my head around. Now I know what I have, it’s beautifully organised by theme and programme area, and it’s all marked with cute little tags! Oh, happy day! Efficiency!

Maybe I should create a category here in the blog for all the times I am being German.

Welcome to Belize, part 2




Took Luc to the airport and drove back on my own, facing the “Welcome to Belize” sign and palm trees again – I was welcomed back to my new home, where I now am by myself again.

Headed straight for a meeting in the South Side of Belize City where I got a tour and an intense briefing about the gang violence, murders, poverty, drugs and guns that many of the children deal with on a daily basis.

Much of the marijuana here is laced with crack or sprayed on chemicals and many kids drink an easily accessible mix of alcohol and valium.

“They often start drinking at the age of 8, about the same age that they get recruited into the gangs.”

Welcome to Belize beyond palm trees and paradise beaches – the world’s third most dangerous country.

Social Policy on TV


UNICEFs Regional Social and Economic Policy Adviser Joaquín Gonzalez-Aleman is currently live on the Open Your Eyes morning show at Belize’s Channel 5, speaking about the function and importance of Social Protection, the different issues affecting children in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Millennium Development Goals. Tune in!

Sweet & Love


Here are some glimpses from my new place at the corner of Sweet Avenue and Love Lane – probably one of the nicest addresses in the world, and I’m in love with the apartment!

The amount of light, the location, the bright spaces, the evening breeze.. After years and years of sharing flats and houses, this space is all mine with an extra room for the friends who want to visit. The furniture and shower curtain were there already, but I had to buy all kitchen utilities, towels, sheets.. (blender!) And I still need to get curtains and other details to make the place more homey, more me.

Celebrated one week in Belize City with dinner in a really nice restaurant just a block from my house yesterday night.. work is exciting and rewarding, my colleagues are great, the palm trees are everywhere – I can now confirm that Belize City has grown on me. This kid is exactly where she is supposed to be.






